My own personal google! :)


My latest Creation

This is what I wore to go shopping with my mom and my sister today. Recently I have finally found a way to describe my style, before now I could never really put it into words - doll like with a twist of pop and punk.
This outfit is mostly dark but the pink sneakers give it a splash of color. Now, sometimes you will see me in something that is outside of that style description, but that is what being a fashionista is all about,  not being afraid of stepping outside of the box and simply enjoying fashion to it's fullest potential.

Headband - Forever 21
Necklace - Hot Topic
Top - Kohls
Tank - Forever 21
Shorts - Kohls

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad you've found your personal style! keep it developed and you'll be a great fashionista! :)


I love getting comments! So thanks 4 it and say whatever you want. I do accept constructive criticism.
